Friday, April 10, 2009

Another Beginning

First things first. There is no such thing as a murder of dragons unless, of course, you are referring to the slaying of said creature. The title was inspired by the term murder of crows which, you may or may not know, refers to a group of crows. A gathering of dragons is actually referred to as a flight of dragons. I hope you will agree that murder of dragons sounds much more literary. Anyways, this was about my 14th choice as a title for my new blog. Some of the others I hoped to use were: Off On A Tangent, Indiscriminate Musings, Dreaming Void and (don't ask where this came from) Implausibility of Gnus. Believe it or not though all those titles were already in use. So I came up with Murder of Dragons instead. If you think that title makes little or no sense just wait until you read some of my postings. I fully intend to write on any random subject that may enter my mind at a given moment. For those that know me that can be quite a chilling thought. My mind will wander from subject to unrelated subject with little or no prodding from even myself. Hopefully my musings will inspire you to do a little mental wandering of your own. After all, an active imagination is the sign of a healthy mind. I hope. Either way, welcome and enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. I've been wondering what you've been up to. Glad to see you writing again.
